Community Guidelines

We are creating a community of positivity and genuine feedback. Please respect each other.

In a nutshell, this is how we expect you to behave within the Shoot The Frame community. By creating a Shoot The Frame account, and by using the Shoot The Frame platform, you are agreeing to these Community Guidelines.

If you break these guidelines, we reserve the right to delete your Shoot The Frame account. 

1. Only upload your own photos

  • If you didn’t shoot the photograph, don’t upload it
  • If you don’t own the rights to the photograph, don’t upload it
  • Don’t upload any photos which are trademarked or copyrighted

2. Only upload photos

  • Don’t upload jpegs of illustrations or designs
  • Don’t upload animations or videos
  • Don’t upload anything except photos

3. Only give helpful or constructive criticism and feedback

Shoot The Frame is not a place to give people a hard time. If you are critiquing a photo, or giving a comment, please consider the following:

  • Don’t be disrespectful
  • Don’t be rude
  • We are hear to help other members and give feedback that may help them become a better photographer
  • If you feel like you can’t be kind to other members of Shoot The Frame, please delete you account

4. Only contact other members of Shoot The Frame if you have a genuine question or comment. 

The messaging feature in Shoot The Frame is not to be used as a vehicle for Spam. If you are seen to be misusing the messaging feature, we will remove your account.

  • Don’t send the same message to multiple members of Shoot The Frame
  • Don’t send generic messages. Your message should be personalised. Eg. Using the name of the member, referencing a specific photo, location or photo essay… et cetera.
  • Don’t send rude or disrespectful content or messages
  • Use messaging as a way to connect and chat with other photographers, but don’t abuse it

5. Only post appropriate photos

Shoot The Frame will have the final say as to whether or not a photo is appropriate for the platform.

Please don’t upload photos that are:

  • Illegal, libellous, inflammatory or that infringe any copyright, or other right of any person
  • Racist, sexist, or offensive in anyway
  • Pornographic, or overly sexual
  • Violent, abusive or profane

We understand nudity is a part of some photography, and can be a tough area to determine it’s appropriateness. As a rule, we are trying to keep Shoot the Frame a safe place for all members and users over the age of 13. Please make sure any photos which contain nudity have the ‘adult content’ filter applied. If Shoot The Frame believe the nudity is not suitable for the platform, it will be removed at their sole discretion. If the photo has pornographic or overly sexual imagery, you are breaking the guidelines.

If you find another Shoot The Frame member has uploaded a photo which does not fit these guidelines, please report the member from their profile, or contact Shoot The Frame ( with the username of the member.